Friday, March 4, 2016

Apple Cider Vinegar?

I've been doing some extensive research about drinking raw Apple Cider Vinegar each day.  I've learned some very interesting things!  The claims are all over the place; they range from ending your flu quickly to helping you to lose weight.  I've decided to experiment with some recipes that I've found.  I'm going to give each recipe two to three days before switching to another.  I plan to drink it every day for a month.  Each week, I will give an update as to the recipes I tried and my thoughts on each one.  I will make sure to link you to the sites where I found the recipes, if you want to try them yourself.

Let's start today with some the the potential health benefits of drink unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar.  There was a study in Japan that actually linked drinking it daily for 12 weeks and a minor amount of weight loss.  It seems that it is surely not a quick fix, but might help with the breakdown of fats in an already healthy diet.

There are links established between Apple Cider Vinegar and it's anti-glycemic properties.  Researches at Arizona State University have found that it blocks the absorption of some starch.  It won't be a quick fix if you already have diabetes, but it might help to regulate blood sugar levels in small amounts.  It seems that it might be beneficial to drink it with a starchy meal.  Others suggest to drink it before bed to reduce your sugars overnight while fasting.

It seems that it isn't going to cure cancer, lower your cholesterol or make you lose a ton of weight fast, but it does seem that there are benefits that I want to explore!  I am starting Monday on my month of Apple Cider Vinegar.  I will do my pretty unscientific study to see what happens!

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